Travelbugs Mobile Mini-beasts also offers services to the media and has featured on several popular television programs in Australia such as Creature Features, Gardening Australia, Playschool, Burke's Backyard, Sunrise and Better Homes & Gardens.
Let us bring the mini-beasts to you!
We come to your school and conduct a fun, interactive workshop on the importance of 'mini-beasts' and their life cycles within food webs, ecosystems, agriculture, forestry, medicine, etc. Questions on 'mini-beasts' & everything entomological will be answered!
At every workshop, we exhibit a wide variety of 'live mini-beasts' including various species of stick insects, giant burrowing cockroaches, preying mantis, millipedes, centipedes, crickets, mealworms, scorpions, spiders, beetles and more and allow supervised handling of harmless mini-beasts and over 200 preserved biofacts including embedded and dried insects, shells, starfish, corals, sponges, sea urchin, eggs, egg cases, skins, wings, cocoons etc.
How Much?
1 hour interactive demonstration to entire group + 20mins hands-on discovery
session per class.
Inside Sydney Metro area (including Blue Mountains & Bathurst)
$7 per child (min 60 / $420) GST EXEMPT
Outside Sydney?
Prices vary upon number of students, workshop/display requirements & venue location. Email or call us for a quote!
If you have a particular mini-beast topic or activity that you would like us to cover, we will design a workshop specifically to meet your needs.
All workshops meet the Board of Studies K-12 Syllabus Guidelines and assist teachers in meeting a variety of learning outcomes. Topics covered may include mini-beasts and:
- Changes in Our World: life cycles, food chains, food webs & the seasons etc.
- Preparing for the Schoolyard Safari: Discovering Mini-beasts: What you can do at home or school. Collecting and studying mini-beasts in the backyard, schoolyard & beyond. Learn how to build insect traps, terrariums, butterfly garden or compost heap, keep live mini-beasts, safety, capture, ID, re-release, surveys etc. (Several options available)
- Fears & Phobias; think you're scared?
- Communities, Habitats & Ecology; Who lives where? Who helps who? Shelters.
- Conservation & Threatened Species; threats & recovery plans.
- Uses in Industry: Agriculture, Forestry (Pests & Allied Species) & Medical Uses & Research as well as Forensic Entomology.
- Entomology: career & hobby choices available.
- Anatomy & Physiology; Mini-beast form & function explained. Dissection conducted for HS Biology students on request.
- Taxonomy, Classification & insects ID
- Art & Photography
We can do up to ~180 students per day.
Discounts for Special Needs schools.
All workshops are supported with a free CD filled with over 50MB of mini-beast resources including fact sheets, activity sheets, care sheets, clip art and more.
Risk Assessment & Management Plans available for incursions upon request. We have full Public Liability cover.
For more information, resources, teacher/student comments and more, check out our website at or find us on Facebook!
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